Contact information

Uusioaines Oy

Mailing address: PL 120, 30101 Forssa
Visiting address: Edvartintie 3, 31600 Jokioinen
Switchboard: (03) 4243 100

Business ID: 0987205-9

Main office Vantaa
Address: Teknobulevardi 3-5, 01530 Vantaa

Office Jokioinen
Address: Edvartintie 3, 31600 Jokioinen


Online invoices
Operator: Apix Messaging Oy
Operator ID: 003723327487
Online invoicing address: 003709872059199

Paper invoices
PL 1000,

Foamit – Foam glass

Foam glass collection and loading
Mon – Fri 06:00–21:30
Address: Kurikkamäentie 23, 30420 Forssa
Loader: +358 40 835 9906

Customer service
Mon – Fri 08:00 – 16:00

Sales, orders and offers, invoicing
Tel. +358 50 432 5805

Foamit corporate sales
For consumers, Foamit foam glass
aggregate is sold through our retailers,
view retailers


Glass receiving
Mon – Fri 06:00 – 21:00
Address: Kurikkamäentie 23, 30420 Forssa
Loader: +358 40 571 2983

Customer service
Mon – Fri 08:00 – 16:00

Sales, orders and offers, invoicing
Tel. +358 50 479 5121

Foamit – Foam glass Sales and Marketing

Enni Kurikka

Customer service coordinator, foamglass

Customer service and invoicing

Tel. +358 50 372 6187

Samuli Lamppu

Account manager, infrastructure construction

Solution sales, product consulting

Tel. +358 50 511 505 9

Teemu Myyrä

Account manager, housebuilding

Solution sales, product consulting

Tel. +358 50 479 2631

Henry Rawstorne

Account manager

Glass and Foamit export Sales

Tel. +358 50 571 2875

Mirva Paavola

Sales- and marketing manager

Sales and marketing management

Tel. +358 50 473 0344

Foamit – Foam glass transportation and production

Vesa Simola


Transport services

Tel. +358 40 582 6141

Pasi Mäntynen

Operations manager

Glass and foamglass

Tel. +358 50 5278 274

Matti Anttonen

Production manager, Foamglass

Production and maintenance

Tel. +358 50 505 5970

Kari Mäkilä

Production manager, Glass cleaning

Production and Maintenance

Tel. +358 400 906 415

Emily Lainpelto

HSEQ Specialist

Occupational health and safety, the environment, and quality

Tel. +35840 936 463 8

Glass sales and purchasing

Miikka Löfman

Customer service coordinator, Glass

Customer service and invoicing

Tel. +35850 479 5121

Ilkka Rekolainen

Glass Business Category Manager

Glass purchase and sales

Tel. +358 40 675 3599

Henry Rawstorne

Account manager

Glass and Foamit export Sales

Tel. +358 50 571 2875

Glass transportation and production

Vesa Simola


Transport services

Tel. +358 40 582 6141

Kari Mäkilä

Production manager, Glass cleaning

Production and Maintenance

Tel. +358 400 906 415

Pasi Mäntynen

Operations manager

Glass and foamglass

Tel. +358 50 5278 274

Management and Administration

Valtteri Raunio

Interim CEO

Foamit Group and Uusioaines Oy

Tel. +35840 514 8141

Tiina Partanen

Head of Sustainability

Foamit Group

Tel. +35840 560 7562

Tuomas Jääskeläinen

Technology and Product Development Director

Foamit Group

+35850 3604 390

Ilkka Rekolainen

Glass Business Category Manager

Glass purchase and sales

Tel. +358 40 675 3599

Mirva Paavola

Sales- and marketing manager

Sales and marketing management

Tel. +358 50 473 0344

Pasi Mäntynen

Operations manager

Glass and foamglass

Tel. +358 50 5278 274

Antton Laiho


Foamit Group and Uusioaines Oy

Tel. 0504381858

Contact us

For consumer sales, see our retailers.

Contact us