
Infrastructure construction
Foamit lightens the weight of the new street in Central Pasila
Firdonkatu is a new street being built as a continuation of the Maistraatinportti street in…

Infrastructure construction
Covering Finnish national road 3 in Hämeenlinna
The project was part of a larger redevelopment of central Hämeenlinna. When Finnish national road…

Building construction
The Lasipalatsi courtyard deck forms the roof of the Amos Rex art museum
Lasipalatsi, a building in central Helsinki, was originally erected as a temporary structure more than…

Building construction
Foam glass is becoming more commonplace on apartment building sites
Foamit foam glass aggregate, which already has an established position in infrastructure construction, is also…

Building construction
Foamit is also a great solution for roof ceilings
Foamit foam glass aggregate – a versatile lightening and thermal insulation material for infrastructure and…